What can an eeg show that an mri cannot
What can an eeg show that an mri cannot

what can an eeg show that an mri cannot

It's often recommended that kids not have caffeine up to 8 hours before the test.

what can an eeg show that an mri cannot

Your doctor may recommend that your child stop taking certain medicines before the test.

what can an eeg show that an mri cannot

Your child's hair should be clean and free of oils, sprays, and conditioner to help the electrodes stick to the scalp. If your child is having an EEG, preparation is minimal. They're sometimes used to evaluate brain activity after a severe head injury or before a heart transplant or liver transplant. EEGs also can identify causes of other problems, such as sleep disorders and changes in behavior. Most EEGs are done to diagnose and monitor seizure disorders. Through an EEG, doctors can look for abnormal patterns that indicate seizures and other problems. Normal electrical activity in the brain makes a recognizable pattern. Small metal discs with thin wires (electrodes) are placed on the scalp, and then send signals to a computer to record the results. An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test used to find problems related to electrical activity of the brain.Īn EEG tracks and records brain wave patterns.

What can an eeg show that an mri cannot